
Call for calamity distress



Call for calamity distress

The problem Call-amity solves

In the present scenario, when there is a disaster, people are stuck in inescapable situations despite having a lot of predictions and other solutions. By the time the information about the impact reaches the people in the affected area, the damage is already done and is inevitable.

So, our application solves the problem. When someone notices the incident, this portal enables them to immediately report the incident and its level of impact. Thereby, the authorities and pre-registered volunteers are notified immediately through SMS alerts, which in turn helps them to enable rescue operations as quickly as possible. Further, the authorities are provided with an option to alert all the citizens in the vicinity in case of high scale emergencies so that no harm is caused to anyone.

Also, we have integrated facial recognition algorithms to help out in relief operations. Additionally, the face data of all victims are stored in the database to help their family members and friends locate them, again just by uploading their pictures.

Overall, we have designed this portal to assist everyone involved in disasters, from reporters and authorities to victims to relief support, at all the time in such dangerous situations.

Challenges we ran into

Integrating all the necessary APIs (SMS, Maps, etc.) and getting them to work in such a short span of time was a bit challenging. Although, we succeeded in getting most of the features working. We shall be working on this continuously until it is implemented since it is one of the most necessary applications required in society.
