Created on 15th February 2021
In our country, the population growth is faster than the industrial growth. As per 2019, out population was 136.64 crores. So in this case or in case of any natural disasters like this, what a society need is a man to man support i.e., the support from every individual because, mostly people who are affected are the under privileged daily wage workers. So, the idea is to make a web application that helps to get the demand and if a NGO wishes to donate to the needy people, they could use this application to donate. If anyone is in need of medical help, they could be aided with the doctors nearby them using this app.
The calamity prevailer is a web application that helps people and the govt. virtually to overcome the effects caused by the natural disaster by connecting donor to donee. If the user is logging in as an NGO, they could be able to see the current supply demand and products/things needed. If they login as a NGO distributor, they could be able to distribute the products to people. Each login has its own respective features namely:
• The NGO/personal – Supplier login:
In the NGO feature, the users could be able to see the supply demand and they could be able to donate the requirements in quantities they like. And they are provided with the commodities to meet the actual demand of the people of needy side. They would distribute the commodities to the needy side.
• The govt. organization login:
If they login as a govt. organization, they could be able to see the supply demands and could be able to predict the future demands in terms of quantities calculating it to the total population according to the states.
• The doctor login:
If any doctors are willing to help the society, they could use this as a tool, providing help to the needy people in crucial time.
• The citizen login:
The appealer login helps the needy person/people with some authentication process. The requester should register himself with ID proofs
1.Integrating Web API's for Rendering Google Maps Live Location.
2.Collecting the Details of faith ful NGO's Near by Target Locations.