

Let's feed bellies instead of dumping sites

The problem Bytewise solves

Sustainability is the need of hour. As young tech enthusiasts we have tried to build a platform through which we strive to reduce food wastage and ensure that those with no access to healthy food do not go to sleep hungry.
We aim to help achieve the sustainable goals of zero hunger, responsible consumption and production, partnership for goals.

With Bytewise, you can explore an endless range of cuisines from thousands of restaurants, cafes and popular food chains. Your food is delivered to your doorstep in eco-friendly packaging with extra attention to hygiene protocols.

We also goe an extra mile to give back to society by establishing connections that can redirect the excess food to people in need instead of ending up in dumping sites. Currently, there are many NGOs working to tackle the issue of hunger by collecting excess food from food outlets, social gatherings, etc. and providing it to the needy. Our app helps in making this process easier and more efficient by acting as a platform which connects all food outlets that can donate excess food instead of discarding it, with organizations that can collect it and distribute it in underserved areas.

Challenges we ran into

The biggest and most exciting challenge we faced in our journey was learning to work with new technology such as Figma as it was our first experience working on this platform.

Tracks Applied (1)

Design & Solve

This project is a primitive framework of our idea. It shows a basic structure of our vision through a presentation and a...Read More

Technologies used
