
Byakugan app is mainly concerned with women's safety. It has quick alerts to concerned on listening to "HELP" and if the phone goes out of radar it also helps in finding out the safest path (network).

The problem Byakugan solves

With the growing cases of molestation and rapes, it’s high time for us to come with a solution that empowers them. We surely have many apps that help women through their ides providing the most of the required information on an emergency on the tips of the fingers. But the victim is unable to react or to use them due to sudden attacks and what if the attacker's first step was to break down the mobile. So here we are to come up with the solution for all such cases trying to cover up almost all of them. Go through the readme of Github for all the features we implemented.

Challenges we ran into

Goole maps direction API asks for an international visa credid card so we cant show direction.
