

A Tripple Level Authentication Voting Dapp which offers the security of decentralization and offers crowd controlling.

The problem B-Voting solves

It solves the basic problem of double voting, false voting, and forced voting. Also, the problem of booth capturing and less participation in voting is mitigated. The app offers a triple level authentication which ensures secured voting and the crowd control feature gives an alert if there are too many votes coming from same place.
Creating an online home-based voting system requires careful authenticated and consideration of security,face recognition, and legal requirements.

Challenges we ran into

Achieving high accuracy in facial recognition is essential to prevent both false positives and false negatives, which could disenfranchise legitimate voters or allow unauthorized access.
Integration with the Blockchain, mongoDB along with the frontend seems quite tricky. The ML model was specially very hard to host as all the services are paid so we deployed the ml model locally which cost us speed on higher quality images. Integration with smart contract was also hard but we managed to do it in night.

Tracks Applied (2)

Ethereum Track

I have used etherium for transaction.


Ethereum + Polygon Track

documentation in drive

