

Why wait for bus, when you can BusKaro!

The problem BusKaro solves

Everyone uses local transport these days on a daily basis. Especially, in colleges where students have to travel daily from metro stations, railway stations etc. However, there are 4 major problems with local buses:

1. Waiting Time: A lot of time of transit users is wasted while waiting for a bus that matches their route. 2. Overcrowded Buses: There is no real-time system designated for crowd management in a bus. 3. Emergency: Increased incidents related to sexual harassment, thefts, medical emergencies etc. 4. Cash Problem: Passengers do not have the required cash amount or the exact change available for the ticket.

BusKaro is an app that perfectly solves the problem of local buses by providing solution for each of the above mentioned problems:

1. Bus Tracking: Tracking the location, route and the timing of the bus so that there is no need of spending more time on bus stops. 2. Crowd Analytics: Users can check the crowd density of a bus and can opt a bus which is less crowded. 3. Assistance: Using gestures to automatically report an emergency to dedicated phone lines. 4. Go Cashless: Cashless Transactions are made available to users electronically through online payment.

Challenges we ran into

The main challange for us was related to the maps. We had to implement bus routes, their stoppage, mark them on map etc. Google maps direction API unfortunately is not free, so it is yet be implemented completely. Also, we had to build a machine-learning model which counts the number of people on the bus currently, and send the data to the server where it can be stored and fetched. Another major challange was implementing the 'shake' fetature and connecting it to the call system of the phone.

Tracks Applied (2)

Open Source

Our project is open for innovation and ideas. We believe it has the potential to be accessible to the general public and...Read More


BusKaro acts as a medium between the bus companies and general public. It can target daily wagers, students, migrants et...Read More
