

Why wait for bus, when you can BusKaro!

The problem BusKaro solves

There is a huge fraction of the public that uses local buses as transportation for their basic conveyance on daily basis. However, they have to face a lot of issues on their journey. A few major problems are listed below:

  1. A lot of time for transit users is wasted while waiting for a bus that matches their route.
  2. There is no real-time system designated for crowd management in a bus.
  3. Increased incidents related to sexual harassment, thefts, medical emergencies, etc.
  4. Passengers do not have the required cash amount or the exact change available for the ticket.
    Our approach used to provide a solution to this problem is stated below.
    Our main idea is to save the time of the users who use public transport on daily basis by giving real-time statistics such as seat occupancy and current location. Also, provide security against sexual harassment, and assault, as well as reporting any kind of emergency. A provision to pay the fare online will also be implemented to avoid arguments inside the bus over change.
    Tracking the location, route, and timing of the bus so that there is no need of spending more time at bus stops. Users can check the crowd density of a bus and can opt for a less crowded bus. Using gestures to automatically report any emergency to dedicated phone lines. Cashless Transactions are made available to users electronically through an online payment system.
    We will be providing a mobile application built on React Native. The bus will be equipped with a GPS+GPRS module to track its exact location. An AI/ML model will monitor the crowd using a camera equipped inside the bus in real time. React Native libraries like shake-to-report will be used to help users to report eve-teasing, harassment, medical emergencies, etc.

Challenges we ran into

The major problem in which we ran into was that we did not have proper local bus data as it is government protected, we requested an API from the concerned authority. It is under process.
Another problem was that the Google Maps Direction API, we were trying to use, asks for billing i.e. it is paid, hence, it cannot be implemented completely yet.
