Bus Locator App

Now Save Our money and environment. And make this world a safer place

The problem Bus Locator App solves

Getting a bus at the proper time and location is one of the most difficult tasks for ordinary people. Users want to know where the buses are so that they may save time, money, and, most importantly, reduce pollution.People avoid public transportation in this pandemic period, but viral propagation can be stopped if crowds are kept under control.Women don’t feel safe traveling in buses alone, however, if safety is guaranteed, women can travel freely.

Challenges we ran into

We faced challenges while taking the live location of the buses and storing them so we tried fixing it by using conductors' live location. also, we faced an issue while calculating distance between 2 latitudes and longitudes. So we added a formula to calculate distance between them and update it in realtime. we faced issue while introducing the QR Scanning Tab So we added a package which could scan QR code and send resut to the database.

Technologies used
