Budget Buddy

Budget Buddy


The problem Budget Buddy solves

Problem Statement : Money Management for Young Adults
Young adults (aged 18-25) are financially savvy but lack the tools and guidance to confidently navigate their financial futures. Design an inclusive FinTech solution that empowers them to manage their money effectively and build a secure financial foundation.

Challenges we ran into

Each challenge presented valuable learning opportunities that ultimately contributed to the refinement and success of our project. Here are some of the challeneges we ran into :

  1. IIntegration of FCM with Admin SDK in the backend was a big challenge
  2. Designing a scalable architecture capable of handling increased user traffic and transaction volumes required ongoing performance testing and optimization.
  3. in making Customizable Budgeting Tools we faced a lot of challenges
  4. To learn how to deploy our project on stellar blockchain
  5. Intergrating firebase with many insider components was a tough task for us
