The problem Breasty🎀 solves
Problem Statement:
- Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women in India.
- It is reported that every four minutes, an Indian woman is diagnosed with breast cancer and one woman dies of breast
cancer, every 13 minutes in India.
- With the increase in the number of breast cancer cases in India, the fear of cancer is on the rise. One cannot prevent breast
cancer but can increase the survival rates by being informed and choosing the right treatment at the right time.
- Factors like lack of proper information, communication, awareness, financial condition, improper medications, immobility, and
lack of support groups are also the causes of this cancer increasing at an alarming rate
After knowing how common and how deadly it is important to spread awareness about this and take actions to minimize the deaths by detecting it at early stages and providing emotional support to victims.
Breasty solves:
- Pre-cancer stage:
We have a chatbot as a feature which will offer you self assessment and guidance and will make you aware
of facts about breast cancer, you can play a mini quiz too if you want to test your knowledge.
- Cancer patient stage
We have communities to make you feel that you not alone and will provide you emotional support.
And we have success stories to motivate you.
Your personal profile to keep track of all your appointments and give you reminders of upcoming appointments. And we have
a donation section too.
Helps you locate the nearby hospitals.
- Post Cancer stage
You can add your success stories.
You can volunteer to donate and support NGO nearby.
Challenges we ran into
- While integrating the static files with Django we ran into a bunch of errors.
- We had a problem cloning the static files during the deployment so we changed some of our files into links by uploading the
files to the cloud.
- We had many problems while integrating the NLP chatbot while integrating it with Django so we found another way to
deploy the chatbot.