Breast Cancer Machine Learning Model

This program contains models which are trained using 3 different algortihms (Decision Tree ,Logistic Regression,Random Forest Classifier ) giving 3 different accuracies all above 92%.


Created on 19th July 2020


Breast Cancer Machine Learning Model

This program contains models which are trained using 3 different algortihms (Decision Tree ,Logistic Regression,Random Forest Classifier ) giving 3 different accuracies all above 92%.

The problem Breast Cancer Machine Learning Model solves

Detect Breast Cancer with upto 96% accuracy upon providing 20-30 features of breasts of the patient like mean_radius, mean_perimeter etc.

Challenges I ran into

This is my first machine learning project so I didn't know how to proceed. I watched a Youtube Video and also studied a machine learning program made by one of my friends.


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