Brain Controlled Assistive System

We use widely used and non -invasive EEG capturing technology to develop assistance to the paralyzed patients. This system helps to control his bed and control the electrical appliance.

The problem Brain Controlled Assistive System solves

Every bedridden patient in the community including a group of disabled individuals who are suffering from serious illnesses like paralysis requires help from others in one way or another. These patients are unable even to raise the position of the bed when they felt uncomfortable. Even for that purpose, they will have to depend on others. Moreover, if the patient wishes to call a person, it is really difficult for them to do so because of their condition especially aged ones who are bedridden due to their age-related diseases. Even 24x7 monitoring of the patient is not done properly. When the paralyzed patient wishes to turn on the light or turning on the tv and changing channels or controlling temperature they need to call others. Sometimes relatives fail to reach out to their needs. If anything happens, when no one is around how the staff and family members get to know what is happening? These are some of the problems faced by the bedridden patients and what if a patient can control the electronic appliances by himself and the position of the bed. we believe that we can provide a better and efficient solution to their problem.

Challenges we ran into

we have faced many challenges while implementing the hardware and software part of our system. It feels difficult to configure neurosky mind have mobile 2 sensors with Bluetooth module. finding the unique id of neurosky device is a very difficult task. By proper literature survey and try for several times he was able to rectify that.
during the starting of our project, we failed to collect the exact data from the neurosky devices. By understanding the size of each data and what a single bit represent we have rectified that.
While implementing the hardware part fixing the motor with the wiper motor was a difficult task. To rectify this we have contacted a welder. While controlling tv we need to understand the frequency that our tv remote works. By proper literature survey and observation, we have rectified that,
