The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on older adults
The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic are different for various socio-demographic groups, news, journals etc. has zoomed in on the ways in which this crisis has affected the more vulnerable ones. In this website, we focus on how the can we ease the workflow of the old age.
The COVID-19 disease, in itself, has hit older adults harder than other age groups.
Older adults are more likely to already have underlying conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or respiratory illness — comorbidities that we now know raise the risk of severe COVID-19 and COVID-19-related death. In addition, a likely weaker immune system makes it harder for older adults to fight off infection.
As a result, the impact on older adults is notable. According to World Health Organization (WHO) data from April 2020, more than 95% of COVID-19 deaths were among people over 60 years of age, and more than half of all deaths occurred in people of 80 years-plus.
Not only can senior citizens can use this but also millennials can. It makes the work easier in the context of vaccine registration, checking the current COVID-19 updates and statistics in INDIA, so on and so forth.
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