
Responsible Consumption and Production specifically for the betterment of the Environment.A networking platform for ragpickers/small traders, customers, and the larger public for proper waste disposal

The problem Bottlehouse solves

To solve the problem of waste disposal, we came up with the idea of a networking platform between ragpickers collecting the waste bottles and craftsmen wanting to buy these as raw materials.

It will also be a site for all public to use and buy the craftsmen's products out of the bottles, providing them business.
It is also a way to cleanly dispose of the plastic bottles and be a help to the 3 target groups. i.e ragpickers, craftsmen, and customers who want to buy these products.

The website will be three-fold having a separate database for each target group. The bottle buyer and seller will get each others' contact details. The database matches their demands and provides the best deals. The customer buying the finished goods will be able to browse the website and see what items they like.

Challenges we ran into

Firstly we thought of using firebase to collect the database and host the website. But then since weren't comfortable using that platform we shifted to HTML and CSS for developing our site and using python for the backend.

Technologies used
