

Whenever we need a boost/motivation in our tough times. We can use this simple Whatsapp bot. It sends you motivational message everytime u text it.

Created on 7th January 2023



Whenever we need a boost/motivation in our tough times. We can use this simple Whatsapp bot. It sends you motivational message everytime u text it.

The problem Boost solves

With the fast pace moving world, We often feel a need of someone who could've motivated us. And also remember times when u r extremely motivated and how good it would've been if someone reminds me the state I am currently at.
Dats the problem exactly we solve with this simple Whatsapp bot without making the user need to install any extra app or do a search. It's just there on Whatsapp as ur friend.

Challenges we ran into

We are all freshers. So, as a average we have almost zero knowledge about coding and how this kind of tech works. We had to learn everything from very scratch and it took a LOT of our time.
At the end we could actually kinda build 10-20% of the actual thought for the lack of skills/time.
Features we wanted to added;
User can add his/her own customised message
User can set a time period or set a fixed times to get automated messages
User can make a small to do list to go to the next step after getting motivated.

Currently we demoed this app with local host, as we are still learning to deploy it to a server, and also without these features:(
But we are sure motivated by the cute bot we made, we will complete these goals and even add more things to it:)

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