
Boosting the online presence of Bookstores through the power of Machine Learning and Blockchain

The problem Boost solves

Post the pandemic, bookstores have faced many issues including a lack in interest and customers. We intend to help these local businesses out, by pitching numerous marketing tools to help them.

They can generate merchandise and mint NFTs through our app.

  • Many businesses nowadays are relying on NFTs to push their brand forward, but there isn't a convenient place to start. We wish to change that.
    They can also leverage their reach to show all residents their position in the neighbourhood.
  • By harnessing the power of the community, they can showcase their importance.
    They can also use our book recommender to promote their products.

Challenges we ran into

This was the first time using blockchain so it was quite hard integrating it with the rest of the application. We got over this with consistent fiddling with the code and debugging.
