Our website allows readers to pay for the time they spend reading a book, rather than purchasing the entire book upfront. This unique model of payment has been made possible through the use of web3 technology. This model of payment is particularly beneficial for readers who are unsure if they will enjoy a book or who only need to read a certain section of a book for research purposes. Overall, our website is an innovative and user-friendly platform that leverages the power of web3 technology to provide a unique payment model for book reading. With its secure and transparent payment system, easy navigation, and wide selection of books, our website has the potential to revolutionize the way we read and pay for books online.
We ran into a plethora of challenges, bugs, problems and issues. (We Haven't slept in 20 hours).
Our website broke many times, be it hydration errors or infinite loops.
The blockchain part took a lot of time to get down to perfection.
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