Bookio by JAVAbuilds

Bookio is an online slot booking app for IITR's student club.

The problem Bookio by JAVAbuilds solves

🍡 Students have to physically visit the student's club in order to make a booking and most of the time, all the services are already in use.

🍡 So we came up with a one-stop solution to solve this problem.

🍡 We have also implemented online payments to help seamlessly integrate the process of booking the slots for the events.

Challenges we ran into

🫒 We wanted to create some protected routes for the user which would be accessible only if the user is logged in. We ran into several errors here. After messing with cookies for a while, we decided to generate JWT tokens instead and verified it for the above purpose.

🫒 Our next biggest block came in the form of updating state with react. We were fetching data from our databases asynchronously but react rendered a couple states before some filter functions could run on the fetched data. We solved this by using destructuring syntax in the filter code and conditional rendering.

🫒 Backend errors : we realised the importance of writing the models, schema and controllers in the backend first before making the frontend since we had to keep making changes and deal with a lot of annoying & pesky errors.

🫒 Payment Integration: we could not get our webiste verified by popular payment services like razorpay, payU, etc in time. We still wanted to implement this feature, so we researched a little and found out that stripe (no UPI payments) offers API keys without website verification.

Tracks Applied (2)

Open Track

open track is open to everyone!


our project is deployed on replit!

