
BOOK HOARD - Plethora of cognizance A web portal which is basically an OLX of books where you can buy, sell or rent second hand books with much ease by negotiating prices between seller and buyer

The problem Book-Hoard solves

Being college students, we are well versed with all the problems
that each student faces in accessing the course and competitive
books like GATE, UPSC etc. easily from the libraries. And since it is
not economically feasible for everyone to afford the books,
therefore, our web portal provides a user friendly platform where the
pass out or senior students can sell their old books to the interested
aspirants at affordable and cheap prices and the students can buy all the useful books from them at the suitable prices. So this portal can prove
worthwhile for all the aspiring college or school students.
Moreover, reading books is one of the avid hobby among the people and
since every second person is a book lover but again, it’s not
possible for everyone to have access to some of the best-selling
novels or journals despite of their profound interests. Therefore, our
web portal will be the best option for all the book lovers out there to
pick, choose and buy the books or novels from all the other book
lovers who have already read those books and are willing to sell them at a cheaper price. Our web portal also gives the option to the buyer to rent any book for a time period of one month from the seller.

Challenges we ran into

Database management:
Database management was a huge challenge as we have to manage the data of sellers,buyers,renters. To manage this challenge we created a sqlite3 database. We created four tables for costumer,owner,product and orders then we have to relate them,which was a big challenge .All these 4 tables are interrelated. The Product table is linked with owner table to link them to identify them. Similarly the Costumer table is linked with the product table to link them and to identify them.

User Creation:
Giving user the facility to make an account on our site was a huge challenge. We had to make sure that each and every user must have unique credentials, so we made a register page ,user page and added forgot password functionality. We have to create a unique field so that no two users have the same credentials.

Integrating Ajax request with django:
Whenever a new product was added to cart or to sell the page was reloading which made the site slow so we integrated Ajax request with Django . Therefore,now when products are added in cart or removed then by integrating in cart the page is not reloaded.

Integrating bootstrap with django:
We used Bootstarp for our Front end needs but integrating it with functionality of our site was a huge challenge So,we have to use jinja2 template to integrate bootsrap with Django

Used Remixon Icon and Remixon font:
We used Remixon Icon and Remixon font to make it look asthetic.
