ꜩBook (TezBook)

TezBook empowers book authors by providing community of digital readers a marketplace for NFT books (Think of TezBook as an NFT book shop.)

ꜩBook (TezBook)

TezBook empowers book authors by providing community of digital readers a marketplace for NFT books (Think of TezBook as an NFT book shop.)

The problem ꜩBook (TezBook) solves

When we purchase an ebook let's say on Amazon, our ownership over that commodity is different from a physical book. Yes, we bought it, but we only have it for as long as Amazon is around and agrees to keep providing it. If Amazon crumbled tomorrow, that book would disappear with the rest of its platform.
From this perspective, NFTs have more in common with print books — it’s our possession, period. It won’t disappear at the whims of an outside party. In fact, with NFT, we don’t just own a copy, we own a specific copy within a series of copies. Think first edition, second edition, and so forth.
Also, the final cut after the sell from a book that reaches Book Author is not much as compared to their efforts, Hence was born ꜩBook (TezBook) - A platform that empowers book authors by providing community of digital readers a marketplace for NFT books.

Challenges I ran into

Figuring out the whole architecture initially was an issue but as I go through the process it was not a serious problem.
Also, this is my first hackathon on Tezos Blockchain hence I have to kind of start over but as fundmentals are same i dont feel left out.
