

"Empowering Communities, Building Bridges: Bongobashi Citizen Connect"

The problem BongoBashi solves

Bongobashi Citizen Connect is an innovative website that aims to empower citizens and facilitate community engagement in local governance. With its user-friendly interface and a range of features, Bongobashi Citizen Connect provides an efficient platform for citizens to report issues within their locality, promotes transparency among government officers, and facilitates meaningful discussions on community concerns.

One of the key features of Bongobashi Citizen Connect is its easy-to-use issue reporting system. Citizens can conveniently report various issues affecting their locality, such as potholes, garbage accumulation, streetlight malfunctions, or any other concerns. The website ensures a smooth experience, allowing users to provide detailed information, including descriptions, images, and locations, ensuring that the problem is clearly communicated.

Transparency is a fundamental aspect of Bongobashi Citizen Connect. The website promotes transparency among government officers by providing profiles and assigned tasks to those responsible for addressing reported issues. Citizens can track the progress of their reported issues, receive updates, and stay informed about the actions taken. This transparency fosters trust and encourages accountability among government officials.

Furthermore, Bongobashi Citizen Connect features a robust issue discussion forum where citizens can engage in constructive conversations about community matters. Each reported issue has its dedicated forum, enabling users to discuss the problem, propose solutions, and share insights. Additionally, the forum incorporates upvote and downvote options for each issue, allowing users to express their support or concern. The most voted issues become the hot topics, garnering attention and collective action from the community.

Bongobashi Citizen Connect

Challenges we ran into

Making a completrly go lang server was difficult
Face few issues with securing Apis with JWT and Middlewares
In the Front End Making a Issue discussion forum was a little difficult
Multiple times we ran into various Cors Errors
Deplyoing Backend was a challenge
As there was no real time Database it was a Challenge
