

SummerOnboarding Initiative: Engaging the Community in On-Chain Exploration During the Buildathon and Beyond

Built at Onchain Summer Buildathon

The problem SummerOnboarding solves

The Problem it Solves

The SummerOnboarding initiative addresses the challenge of onboarding newcomers to the blockchain ecosystem during the OnChain Summer Buildathon. It provides educational sessions and practical guidance to help participants understand @base, navigate the Buildathon, and effectively submit their projects.

What People Can Use It For

Participants benefit from:

Educational Guidance: Learning about blockchain fundamentals, @base platform features, and how to participate in the Buildathon.

Submission Insights: Understanding the criteria for a good submission, thanks to detailed guidance provided in episodes like Episode 3 of our Twitter Space sessions.

Resource Support: Accessing essential tools like free Warpcast accounts, facilitated through collaborations with @carlosjmelgar and @warpie.eth, to enhance their project development experience on platforms like Farcaster.

Challenges I ran into

Challenges Faced During the SummerOnboarding Initiative

Building and executing the SummerOnboarding initiative presented several challenges that required proactive solutions:

Technical Coordination

Coordinating technical aspects for hosting Twitter Spaces and ensuring smooth interactions posed initial hurdles. We overcame this by setting up test sessions beforehand, refining our setup, and leveraging platform features effectively.

Community Engagement

Engaging a diverse audience, including newcomers to blockchain technology, required tailored communication and educational content. We addressed this challenge by structuring sessions with clear learning objectives, interactive Q&A segments, and collaborative discussions with experts.

Resource Allocation

Providing essential resources, such as free Warpcast accounts, posed logistical challenges. Collaboration with @carlosjmelgar and @warpie.eth enabled us to streamline the process and ensure timely distribution to participants in need.

Tracks Applied (1)

Unplugged Track

So since the start of onchain summer Buildathon, I and my partner have been hosting twitter spaces in the spirit of summ...Read More

UNPLUGGED with Nouns

Technologies used

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.
