Bob The Builder

We help people live happily and safely by making sure that they maintain safety precautions all the time while working on construction site.


Bob The Builder

We help people live happily and safely by making sure that they maintain safety precautions all the time while working on construction site.

The problem Bob The Builder solves

This project helps to ensure that people maintain proper safety precautions and work is managed propely.
Contractor can keep a check if workers are wearing safety equipments all the time through video feed.
Also, due to increased workload, attendance tracking can be difficult. We allow contractor to upload attendance sheet and keep track of workers' attendance through OCR.
Workers profile can be added, edited and deleted.
A report is generated that gives data of attendance and safety violations.

Challenges we ran into

The main challenge we faced was to identify if people are wearing safety equipments from a video. However, after giving enough amount of time for the feature and researching on topics related to feature, we could successfully implement it.
