Created on 4th December 2022
According to statistics everyday around 320 Billions Mails Are Send and received.
Let Me Repeat the Number 320 Billion.
We are heading toward the world where we aim that blockchain and decentralization is the future. But We are still missing a big Use Case that is in Front of Our eyes and that is Blockchain Based Mailing System. Even if just 1% of Mail Started Happening on The blockchain Mail System
We will have nearly 3.2 Billion Tx in blockchain…
Imagine how many new user it will bring to blockchain ecosystem.
Soo Addressing this Problem Presenting you the Solution we made
BMS Blockchain Mail Service.
BMS allows 2 wallet addresses to send Mail to Each Other on Chain and That also Encrypted.
Anyone With a Metamask Wallet Can Come and Connect to our Dapp and Boom they Can send Mails to any ethereum compatiable wallet addresses
The Main Challenge was to Implement the project in 36hrs and Few other Minor Bugs
Tracks Applied (3)
Protocol Labs
Technologies used