
A solution towards healthy and flawless skin!

The problem Bloom solves

There are several skin diseases like Melasma, Vitiligo, caused due to unhealthy skin. Bloom helps the users to know their skin type and gives skin care routine for their type.
User Interface-

  1. Skin Type: Using AI, know your skin type - Dry or Oily.
  2. Diagnosis: Check if you got any skin disease using robust DL model.
  3. Book Appointment: Check empty slots to consult with dermatologist.
  4. Nearby Clinics: Visit the derma clinics within reach.
  5. Prescriptions: User can view the prescription given by doctor.

Doctor Interface-

  1. Schedule: Doctor can view his daily scheduled appointments.
  2. Prescriptions: Doctor can give prescription to their patients.

Challenges we ran into

Gaining a good accuracy of deep learning model.
