Created on 1st November 2020
Our project aims to connect people who need blood to potential donors. We have implemented hyperlocal filtering in our application in order to show the users their nearest donors. We have a point system which gives a rating to the quality of blood of the donor and the user can filter out to get the blood of best quality. We have protection against spam by taking Aadhar card of the users and using an OCR to get information from their card. Our Android application have a sign up/ login page so that user does not have to login again and again. Plus this is an app so there are no physical threats and hence it is easier.
We ran into a lot of images during the project. Implementing hyperlocal filtering and then integrating the backend with our frontend application was really a hassle.
Implementing the OCR was also tough.
We had to do a lot of research to know how blood is donated and the required parameters for a person to be donor.
Our application was tough to make and took a lot of time.
Getiing location was GPS was a problem too.