Blood Donor

Safe blood saves lives!

The problem Blood Donor solves

  1. There is an urgent need for universal access to safe blood.
  2. Only about 40% of the blood collected each year is donated in developing countries, which are home to over 80% of the world’s population.
  3. The average number of blood donations per 1 000 population is 12 times higher in high-income countries than in low-income countries.
  4. Globally, up to 4 million people have been infected with HIV by the transfusion of unsafe blood.
  5. Each year, about 60,000 Americans die from hemorrhaging, or blood loss, a 2018 review estimates. Worldwide, that number is almost 2 million.

So, there is an utmost need for a trusted application that will serve as an intermediate between the person in need of blood and the person who is willing to save lives. This application will suffice the need of Blood Banks.

Challenges we ran into

We are new to Android Development and hence, new to the usage of databases like SQLite, Firebase. So, it took quite some time and effort to understand the working of the SQLite database to use it in our application.
