Created on 24th April 2022
The percentage of people donating blood is increasing day by day due to awareness to donate blood for those needed. The blood received have to be managed thoroughly so that there will be no negative effect to the blood receiver once they received blood.
The blood donation event schedule is normally advertised to the public so that they are aware of the blood donation campaign period. At the blood house unit, the staffs and nurses only are informed about the blood donation schedule for each month on the whiteboard at the blood house. So they are using manual way in informing the schedule. Therefore, the writing tends to become unclear. The public did not have knowledge about blood donation. There are brochures distributed to the donor but not to the public because they only available at blood donation house. Hence, the public are not getting any details information about blood donation unless they go to the blood donation house. To oversee these, the BBMS interface will be constructed to cater for the blood house staff to post about the blood donation events. These details can be viewed by the public so that they know and they can allocate some time to go and donate their blood.
Api's were working fine with postman app but while integrating them with frontend there were multiple bad requests. We had to use dummy data to first check the frontend and then integrate the final app with the backend.
Technologies used