

The First Car Rental App on the Blockchain.

The problem BlockXRentals solves

There have been many instances of scams in the Car Rental Services. Sometimes, the renters charge more unnecessarily or the customers may not return the car. As such, BlockXRentals solves this problem by using Smart Contracts and the power of Blockchain. You do need to worry about scams as all the transactions are recorded on-chain and can be publicly viewable on the etherscan websites. The contract calculates the Charge and Return-on-Return Ratio hence you cannot be overcharged. The customer will not get any money back if he fails to return the vehicle.

Challenges we ran into

We had initially planned to deploy the contract to Polygon Mumbai Testnet. However, after successfully deploying it, we ran into some issues while connecting it to the frontend. Unfortunately, we have not been able to resolve the issue. Hence,the final contract has been deployed to the Goerli Testnet.

Link to Polygon Deployed Contract: 0x9DA5E1f4cAe85cb48E2B8Dd316F6E56ac598BBFa
You can verify at:
