
Connecting artists and fans directly via ethereum

The problem BlockTunes solves

Currently there are tons of music labels who take a large amount of money or sometimes outright steal from the artists. The music industry despite being a very ago old industry still faces the challenges of poor royalties management. The presence of middlemen and zero tranparency is the main issue around the music industry. Blockchain is the best platform to deal with these situations. We provide a platform for artists and music labels to host their content on our ethereum powered platform. This completely removes the issue of transparency and royalte management. The artist/music-labels have the option to share the sales among contributers. The smart contract is then in power and fairly distribute money among the contributers.

Challenges we ran into

We are used to working with [email protected] but this time around npm decided to download [email protected] which is apparently significantly changed from 0.36. This took around 3 hours of our time to realise that we were on the wrong version

Technologies used
