
Introducing our revolutionary decentralized insurance platform powered by blockchain technology. Say goodbye to fraud with transparent transactions and NFT-backed policies.

The problem BlockInsurance solves

Blockchain ensures every transaction is transparent and immutable,Each policy is minted as a non-fungible token (NFT), providing unique ownership and authenticity. Users can trust the integrity of their policies.Admin panel oversight ensures that only legitimate claims are approved, preventing fraudulent activities and maintaining the platform's integrity.Certificates are authenticated and approved by the admin, enhancing the reliability of claims and simplifying the process for users.

Challenges we ran into

remix IDE have so many buys while we deploy our contract.lots of dependecies errors are arised in node modules ,storing certificates in IPFS are one of the main challenges for our team

Tracks Applied (5)


Our future implementation involves yield farming. The amount collected by the insurer is used for lending, and the inter...Read More

XDC Network


We mint NFT for creating each Policies in our Dapp ,so our project is eligible for XDC network NFT track

XDC Network


Our project, a decentralized application (DApp), is designed to leverage the XDC Network's capabilities for building and...Read More

XDC Network

Open Track

Leveraging Lending Best use of Liquid staking platform on XDC

XDC Network

Blockchain in Insurance Operation

Our Dapp offers insurance operations such as policy creation, coverage claims, and premium payments. Our project is suit...Read More

PNB MetLife
