

Fund your vision with BlockFund.

The problem BlockFund solves

BlockFund can help solve the problem of traditional crowdfunding platforms being centralized and controlled by a single entity, which can lead to issues such as censorship, high fees, and limited access. By utilizing blockchain technology, BlockFund can create a decentralized and trustless platform for crowdfunding, allowing for greater transparency, security, and inclusivity. This can also help to reduce the risk of fraud and increase the level of trust among participants. Additionally, BlockFund can provide a more efficient and cost-effective way for projects and businesses to raise capital, as the platform can eliminate the need for intermediaries and reduce transaction fees. Overall, BlockFund has the potential to democratize the crowdfunding process and provide a more equitable and accessible way for individuals and organizations to access the funding they need to bring their ideas to life.

Challenges I ran into

As with any new platform, getting users to adopt the technology can be a challenge. We faced a challenge of how to solve complexities of a DApp and make it simple and straightforward for users for an enriching user experience.

Tracks Applied (2)


BlockFund fits into the DeFi (Decentralized Finance) track by leveraging blockchain technology to revolutionize crowdfun...Read More


BlockFund aligns with the Infrastructure (Infra) track by establishing a robust decentralized infrastructure for crowdfu...Read More
