Explore a blockchain-based database containing user exchange.

The problem BLOCKCHAIN-EXPLORER solves

Expensive Supply Chain Management

Lack of transparency, lack of communication between departments, fast-changing markets, and increased costs throughout the Supply Chain and consumer demands drive the need for improved speed, quality, and service. A well-optimized supply chain can ensure maximum productivity with reduced fraudulent activity and overhead costs.

Identity Theft Vulnerability

It is considered as a criminal activity in which an imposter gains personally identifiable information (PII), such as Social Security Number(SSN) or passport numbers, etc. to impersonate someone else.

Mismanagement in Healthcare
The present healthcare departments use centralized systems for recording and managing patient data, which are less secure and subject to misinformation. Moreover, the current system does not facilitate the easy exchange of patient records from their primary care provider.

Digital Copyright & Piracy Issues
Big media houses are continually fighting legal wars against piracy and the illegal distribution of media. This is also one of the significant issues that the music industry is going through. They illegally download musical works and make them available to other consumers in violation of copyright laws.

How Blockchain Can Solve Such Problems
As we have seen various real-world problems, let’s now talk about blockchain capabilities and explore how blockchain can efficiently solve such issues.

Challenges we ran into

User Authentication through INFURA.
