free time

Helps to validate addresses. valid crypto domain freezes input and calls setValidatedAddress. Supported domains: [".eth", ".crypto", ".coin", ".

Created on 23rd January 2022


free time

Helps to validate addresses. valid crypto domain freezes input and calls setValidatedAddress. Supported domains: [".eth", ".crypto", ".coin", ".

The problem free time solves

Easy web3 authentication via MetaMask.Displays an Ethereum address with Blockie avatar.Input for eth address. Displays Blockie avatar for the entered wallet. Helps to validate addresses. After entering 42 characters (0x... wallet length) or valid crypto domain freezes input and calls setValidatedAddress. Supported domains: [".eth", ".crypto", ".coin", ".wallet", ".bitcoin", ".x", ".888", ".nft", ".dao", ".blockchain"].Active network switch. Supports Ethereum, Polygon, BSC and Avalacnhe blockchains. Works only with networks that have already been added to Injected Wallet.

Challenges we ran into

displays the ERC20 balance of an address. Uses Moralis Web3API (does not require an active web3 provider).The blockchain to get data from. Valid values are listed on the intro page in the Transactions and Balances section. Default value Eth.💰 Gets all token balances of a current user or specified address.🧾 Gets ERC20 token transfers of a current user or specified address and many problem i faced this hackathon time.


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