Blockchain Based Evault System

Blockchain Based Evault System

Securing Justice: Empowering Legal Proceedings with Blockchain Integrity.

The problem Blockchain Based Evault System solves

User Roles and Access Control: The application features Admin, Judge, Lawyer, and Client roles with the Admin responsible for user access control, bolstering data security.

Case Management: Users provide case details to the Admin offline, who creates cases and adds stakeholders for organized case handling.

Document Management: Only assigned Judges and Lawyers can upload/manage case documents, ensuring confidentiality, while Clients have read-only access.

User Onboarding: New users request Admin registration, and Admin creates Judge and Lawyer profiles, enhancing security.

Blockchain Technology and Decentralized Storage: Solidity smart contracts authenticate users, and decentralized storage via Pinata ensures secure and accessible document storage.

Challenges we ran into

1)Writing the smart contract was tough because it had to do many different things and manage different roles.
2)Connecting the smart contract to the frontend was hard.
3)Making sure judges, lawyers, clients, and admins can perform their respective functions on the frontend was a big challenge.
4)Keeping documents safe on Pinata IPFS and making sure only the right people could see them was tricky.
5)Managing transactions on Ethereum was a bit complicated.

Tracks Applied (2)

Ethereum Track

My project fits perfectly into EthIndia's Ethereum track because it creates a special eVault system for legal stuff usin...Read More


Stellar Innovators: Full Stack dApp Challenge

Creating a unique dApp: We have developed a special eVault system for legal matters, ensuring security and transparency....Read More

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