

Blockchain Chat Box

Created on 10th December 2023



Blockchain Chat Box

The problem BlockAI solves

Reading and analyzing onchain data is a task and takes time. Our chat tool on top of ChatGPT helps answer any specific questions a user might have without looking at crowded white space with numbers and words.

  1. Just go to our Web App,
  2. Ask any question you have,
    Ex. Where does the ben.eth resolve to?
    Total transactions on Uniswap in the last 10 minutes.
    Vitalik.eth 's balance of Ape token
    and our GPT answers you without you going to multiple pages and running the query or creating graphs

Challenges we ran into

Understanding the documentation of protocols.

Tracks Applied (2)

The Graph Track

We are using Graph APIs to fetch data from ENS, and other graphs for ChatGPT.

The Graph

PowerLoom Protocol Track

We are using Powerloom APIs to fetch data from the Uniswap graph for ChatGPT.

PowerLoom Protocol

Cheer Project

Cheering for a project means supporting a project you like with as little as 0.0025 ETH. Right now, you can Cheer using ETH on Arbitrum, Optimism and Base.


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