Block Burst

Block Burst

blockchain based certificate management and decentralized storage (d-drive) to store essential information and documents

The problem Block Burst solves

Leveraging our proposed solution offers a robust system for generating, managing, and validating digital certificates
Implementing Smart Contract to control the access of certificates and set time limit upto which a viewer can see them
providing a secure and transparent method for issuing and verifying certificates
control his access of sharing his credentials and number of certificates to shown

Challenges we ran into

Basically our project is a blockchain based application which is use to generate e-certificate and created unique hash and Token for certificate authorization and validation. There are many applications which generate e-certificates but they are centralized which is not secured, we used de-centralized blockchain application which is more secured and we can easily validate and authorized these certificates using hashes. this application is also identifies fake and duplicate certificates. And some other core features of our application is that, we give time-access feature which is used by the organization and companies to give ownership of their certificates for some time period. Additionally we provide de-centralized drive which is used to store intellectual properties, agreements, bank statements and audit reports etc. of companies.
Leveraging our proposed solution offers a robust system for generating, managing, and validating digital certificates
Implementing Smart Contract to control the access of certificates and set time limit upto which a viewer can see them
providing a secure and transparent method for issuing and verifying certificates
control his access of sharing his credentials and number of certificates to shown
