
We help you improve the value you deliver to your customer

The problem BlingVoC.ai solves

Companies can optimise their products/services, features and business processes for the customer by following a customer centric approach. The voices of customers are everywhere but sometimes these voices do not reach the businesses or companies. This happens mainly with the unstructured data available online. That's where we come in. We help companies find these voices, analyse these voices and give feedback and insights. This will help a company improve the value they deliver.
Relevance: identifies spam, irrelevant data
Setiment: identifies the sentiment
Category & sub category:-
-bugs: blocker, major, minor
-complaint: functional, usability, performance, customer support
-suggestion:new product, new process, new feature
-security_concern: vulnerability, privacy
-price: expensive, cheap
Severity: identifies if severity is high low medium or bloker
Feature discussed
Actionable Insight: actions that the company must take to improve
Sample response: generate a sample response based on the review
5 DATA SOURCES: Twitter, G2, Trustpilot, Google reviews, playstore
BLING SNAP-IN: after tickets are generated the company can summarize it and get an overall feedback:-
-Overall sentiment
-customer pain points
-areas to focus on
-overall actionable insights

Challenges I ran into

  1. First time coding on typescript
  2. Developing snap-ins
