

Connecting Collegiate Minds, Empowering Futures: Your Gateway to Student Life

The problem Blaze solves

A college student society and events website can solve several problems for students. Here are some common issues that such a website can address:

  1. Information Centralization: Often, student societies have multiple channels for communication, which can be confusing for members. A website provides a centralized platform for all relevant information, including upcoming events, meetings, resources, and contact details.

  2. Event Promotion and Awareness: Hosting events is a vital part of student societies, but spreading the word effectively can be challenging. A dedicated website allows for easy promotion of upcoming events, with details such as date, time, location, and registration links readily available to interested students.

  3. Membership Engagement: Keeping members engaged and informed is crucial for the success of any student society. A website can offer features such as forums, blogs, and newsletters to facilitate communication and foster a sense of community among members.

  4. Resource Sharing: Student societies often provide valuable resources such as study materials, internship opportunities, and career guidance. A website can serve as a repository for such resources, making them easily accessible to members.

  5. Event Registration and Management: A website with integrated registration functionality streamlines this process, allowing students to sign up for events online and providing organizers with a centralized database of attendees.

  6. Feedback and Evaluation: Gathering feedback from members is essential for improving future events and activities. A website can include features such as surveys and feedback forms to collect input from participants and gauge satisfaction levels.

  7. Networking Opportunities: Student societies often facilitate networking among members and with alumni or industry professionals. A website can include features such as member directories etc.

Track: Open Innovation

Challenges we ran into

For deploying handlebars files, integrating backend.
