

A Platform for Businesses & startups who required ideas, suggestions or advices from the general pubic. And best solutions will be incentivized by the company.

The problem Bizsol solves

As of now when companies run out of ideas or a new requirement arises the companies primarily look inverds, into its own employees, and when they cant come up with a solution they have to go to agencies or sometimes social media, but the noice of all the things going around in social media and the huge amounts the agencies are asking, a platform which will bring companies and problem solvers together will be a great releif. Just like the gig economy the company does not have to hire them like an employee, they could provide a service or solution and get incentives and move on. No string attached for both parties. The motivation for volunteers to show up will be ofcourse the incentives and rewards.
An existing system like a freelancing website, is somelevel of tedious work for the employer as he has to sit through 1000s of apllication to find one problem solver. But here they just have to properly convey the problem and people will approach with solutions the employer rather than vise-versa.

It will be professional platform, where even major brands could come and ask for their campaign suggestions and event ideas.
With the rise of gig economy the people with skill and problem solving abilities are on the rise and giving them a no-joke platform will make them put out their best too.

Challenges I ran into

At the starting of this project, I wasn't familier with redux, and during implementation it took some real time to wrap the head around some topics which made me waste some time here and there, whenever I stumble upon a redux problem I would run to docs clear the doubts comeback and this cycle repeated multiple times.

And as I was building the project alone, managing all the tasks alone kind of came as a tedious one in the beginning, but after joining my current organisation, they had taught me project management tools. So I thought why not utilise those tools here and thus clickup and notion became a real life saver.
