The problem BizFiz solves
Loan Disbusrsement Process is Hectic and involves lot of paper work.
Loan as of now is mostly based on what we have and not on what we want to do.
BizFiz is Business Sensitive Metric i.e it sees
- Business Location
- Sector Trend
- Payment Habits of People in Loacation
- Payment habit of Merchant Applicant
to make Loan disbursement process Automatic, Easy and Swift.
So we want to help two involved stakeholders as:
1. Banks :
- Reduce NPA% (Non-Performing Asset)
- Identify Lending Opportunities
- Faster & Better Trustful Lending Process
2. Small Business
- Easy Loan Process
- Better Business Decision
The Project uses Open Data available (PhonePe Pulse Data,, Wiki) and Setu AA to make above posible
Challenges we ran into
- Setu AA notsending OTP, delayed response soemtimes made us anxious.
- Developing a sensitive metric for already old and established loan industry was itself challenging and new thing.