So solving the above-mentioned problem we have come up with a SOCIO-WELFARE app NAMED BHUK.
it is not just the bulk of food, it's bhuk of education, bhuk of clothes, and many more essential commodities.
How our app will actually work?
What if you attend a wedding and you notice surplus food left, similarly in college hostels and other parties too.
You just raise a request for food available on our app and our app will connect you with nearby NGOs who can utilize the food.
The same goes with old items also, the requests of old books, clothes, furniture, and various other items raised by the NGO’s Orphanages and old age homes will be accepted by the people who are discarding their older belongings and with the help of our app, they can connect and simple transaction between one who is need of it and one who has surplus can take place.
Not just our app provides a platform for the NGO s, old age homes to make their connections more strong and more diverse but also helps in eradicating this major problem of concern.
So would you support us in our mission of fulfilling the appetite of everyone.
Technologies used