Bharat Codepedia

Bharat Codepedia

Your Gateway to Digital Learning Experience of Coding Dunia

The problem Bharat Codepedia solves

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, coding skills have become a fundamental requirement, transcending the boundaries of traditional computer science. As the demand for skilled programmers continues to rise, so does the need for effective coding education. Bharat Codepedia, a cutting-edge platform, is revolutionizing the way we learn and teach coding, addressing several key problems in modern coding education.

Challenges we ran into

While building our EdTech project Bharat Codepedia using Javascript, React.js and Node.js we tried to overcome multiple challenges. Firstly, the integration of these technologies demands a harmonious synchronization between the frontend and backend, requiring meticulous attention to API design and data flow. Ensuring scalability and performance, especially in a potentially high-traffic environment, calls for adept server-side optimization and load balancing.During deployment, hosting considerations, we faced several issues regarding deploying and building the project,tried to work on different bugs in the code of reactjs and javascript files and tried to solve them with my teammate.Finally we are presenting our dream project for Live The Code 2.0 Hackathon.

Tracks Applied (1)

Prizes For Everyone

Bharat Codepedia could adopt an open contribution model, where individuals from diverse backgrounds and skill levels are...Read More
