Bet on Better

An interface that facilitates the process of donating materials to needy people around one's neighborhood.

The problem Bet on Better solves

We strongly believe in the idea of charity begins at home. At these troubled times, not everyone would be willing to take the extra step in finding a place that requires help. It should not be a hindrance to charity. We provide an interface to connect the donors with the nearby non-profit organizations to proceed with the donation from their houses' comfort. The organizations can update their needs, and they would be connected with suitable donors too.

Challenges we ran into

There were a few challenges involved in building such a model, the first one being the feasibility of such an interface and the feature's usage in an extensive manner. However, this pandemic has taught us to change our lifestyles for the betterment of humankind. The lack of accurate data on needy people, location tracking, and the corresponding mapping proved to be hindrances in finding a technology-driven solution for the existing problem.
