Created on 12th February 2021
Charities are struggling. Sure, donations were still coming in during 2020, but many sources of typical revenue - like charitable art galleries were all but shut down due to COVID-19. Auctions and charities are searching for new ways to digitize their offering and obtain more donations digitally.
So we built BeNeFit! BeNeFit is an online auction for NFTs that benefits charitable causes on chain. The market has two distinct features that set it apart from other NFT markets in that 1) pieces can be ‘donated’ with all proceeds going to charity of choice or 2) proceeds over and above a set reserve will directly go to a charity of choice for the auction, giving the owner some amount back for their work while also benefiting the charity. All proceeds over fair value is tax deductible (according to the IRS) in the US.
We didn't have enought time to hook the contract up to the front end. But we have all the pieces in place, so we hope to finish that quickly after the hack!
Technologies used