Currently, there is no such common platform for hospitals (both government and private) from where one can track the number of beds available for covid patients. If someone wants to get that information, they have to call individual hospitals, which could be very time-consuming. To overcome this problem I have created an android application, which will be available to every hospital. Through this application the hospital can update the bed status on the fly, and patients can view the bed status through the same app.
There were various small bugs encountered throughout the development of the app. Most of the bugs were related to the coding of UI of the app. Many time the pixel overflowed due to lagre widget size. So to overcome this problem I used an external flutter package 'sizer', which manages the size of the widgets according to the screen size of the mobile. One more bug which took a lot of time to solve was related to firestore. The bug was due to the version of 'cloud_firestore' I was using. I tried to use the latest version of cloud_firestore but it was clashing with an another package. So, to solve this problem I downgraded the 'cloud_firestore' package version and it solved the problem.