

BeClean - A Community-Driven Environmental Action App

The problem BeClean solves

"How can we use technology to increase environmental awareness and encourage people to take action in their communities? Specifically, how can we design an app that allows users to identify areas in need of cleaning, organize and participate in cleaning events, and receive rewards for their efforts?".This problem statement identifies the main issue that the app aims to address (increasing environmental awareness and encouraging people to take action) and outlines the key features of the app (identifying and organizing cleaning events, rewarding participation). It also frames the problem in a way that is specific and actionable, which can help guide the development of the app during the hackathon.

Challenges we ran into

1-verification of individual initated events - We confined each event to an locality and brought a system to assign users in that locality who hold positions of relevance/integrity as admins. For an event to be considered valid it should be verified by an admin. This elimintes the need to manually verify each event using our workforce.
