Beat Bot

Beat Bot

This project is an AI-powered music generation system that uses ML and DL to generate music when a tune ( seed notes) are given as input.

The problem Beat Bot solves

A music continuation software aims to solve the problem of seamlessly transitioning between two separate pieces of music, such as during a DJ set or live performance. The software takes two audio tracks and analyzes the tempo, key, and other musical characteristics to generate a smooth, natural-sounding transition between them. This can make it easier for DJs and musicians to create smooth transitions between songs and maintain a consistent energy level in their performance.

Challenges we ran into

We ran into erros with tensorflow like TypeError: Value passed to parameter 'indices' has DataType float64 not in list of allowed values: uint8, int8, int32, int64 while using Lambda functions and passing into tf.one_hot and np.stack for creating a sequence in tensors was also showing an error. We spent a few hours solving this errors as we are beginers in ML.

Tracks Applied (2)


We have used replit for coding and deploying the project.


Best web2 / iiitdm projects

BeatBot We are from IIITDM. This project is an AI-powered music generation system that uses ML and DL to generate music ...Read More
