

A pokemon like game on beam network, actually you can collect beamon, swap tokens ... and in the future trade on the marketplace

The problem Beamon solves

In monster collecting games, it's not always easy to trade monsters with other players, or even to compete against other players.
Likewise, if you stop the game, all the time you've spent collecting monsters will just be wasted.

Thanks to beamon, you can collect, trade monsters or even take on players from all over the world, and you can buy or sell monsters in the beam marketplace.

You have the right to a solo adventure, and in the future adventures with other players or even battles between players.

Challenges I ran into

Sphere didn't import my assets, so I can't found the asset in game (statut stay in loading after some hours)

Beam swap doesn't work on testnet, (I can add token only with direct contract call)

The c# sdk method createConnectionRequest didn't work, I managed to call directly the api, but I can't connect from the companion app ...

The c# sdk getprofile failed on decoding result, I create my own class and deserialize the raw result

Mint an asset from sdk and get the result can take 20 seconds
