Basics by Coinbasics

Basics by Coinbasics

The ultimate go to platform for gamified learning, community driven growth and ecosystem wide opportunities at your fingertips

The problem Basics by Coinbasics solves

Basics addresses the steep learning curve and fragmented nature of crypto education, specifically for the Base ecosystem. It provides a unified platform where users can:

  1. Learn about Base through gamified, interactive modules
  2. Earn rewards (virtual tokens) for their progress and contributions
  3. Connect with like-minded individuals and build their network
  4. Explore ecosystem wide opportunites

By combining education, earning opportunities, and social elements, Basics simplifies the journey for both newcomers and experienced users in the Base ecosystem. It creates a positive feedback loop where learning leads to earning, which incentivizes further engagement and growth within the community.

Challenges we ran into

  • Designing an engaging onboarding process that accurately assesses user knowledge without being overwhelming
  • Balancing the gamification elements to make learning fun without trivializing the educational content
  • Implementing a fair and transparent scoring system that combines on-platform activities with off-platform metrics (via Talent Protocol integration)
  • Creating a scalable module structure that can grow with the Base ecosystem and accommodate users of varying skill levels

We overcame these challenges through branstorming more, iterative design, and by leveraging the collective expertise of our team and the broader Base community.

Tracks Applied (1)

Build on Base

Basics is tailor-made for the Base ecosystem, aligning perfectly with the Farcaster Builders India: Build on Base track....Read More

Farcaster Builders India
